Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Blood Vessels

First I created a cylinder and removed the end faces, then I put a translucent blue lambert texturing on to it so when i put the cells inside they can be seen

After I modelled a red blood cell by creating a short cylinder and then set the subdivisions to 5. I then extruded one ring of the top face subdivisions slightly out. To then finish it I smoothed it to give it a more curvacious look and added a red lambert texture.

After this I duplicated the cell, loads of times, repositoning each one individually. I repositioed them in a cylinder formation so would fit inside the cylinder blood vessel.

I then moved the formation of red blood cells inside the transparent cylinder

I then added a darker transparent squashed cylinder inside the othe cylinder and key framed it so it could rise or fall showing dilation and narrowing.

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