Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Virtual Anatomy - Experimentation With Language

First I tried adding text before the movie clip

Then I tried adding text on top of the movie clip

After I tried adding spoken narration over the movie clip

Lastly text over still image before movie clip

I have decided to go with my last experimentation of text over a still image before movie clip. I abandoned the text before the clip because it lacked visual characteristics, I abandoned the text over the clip as the text detracted from the visuals as you could only concentrate on one of them. I also abandon the narration as i would not be able to get access to quality sound recording equipment and bad and unclear narration is not worth having and detracts from the movie. The reason I went for the text on still image before the movie clip because you get both the visual content and the text element without compromise.

I now need to consider - font, font colour and positioning

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