Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Virtual Anatomy - About Project
Publication nearly finished!!
and then just cd to burn
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Virtual Anatomy - Final Rendered Animation Clips 7, 8 and 9 - With Textures, Lighting and Camera Movement
8 - The throat expands so more air can enter the body
9 - The heart regains an normal beating rhythm
Virtual Anatomy - Final Rendered Animation Clips 5 and 6 - With Textures, Lighting and Camera Movement
5 - Heart beat increases and becomes irregular
6 - Epi pen is injected into thigh muscle
Virtual Anatomy - Final Rendered Animation Clips 3 and 4 - With Textures, Lighting and Camera Movement
3 - The throat contracts : less air enters the body
4 - Blood vessels dilate causing blood pressure to drop
Virtual Anatomy - Final Rendered Animation Clips 1 and 2 - With Textures, Lighting and Camera Movement
1 - Food travels down throat
2 - Mass cells detect foreign food and attack it : releasing histamines
Virtual Anatomy - Textures
Virtual Anatomy - More Experimentation With Language
I decided that the black font was too dark and was hard to see on top of the visual, so i changed the black to the more bold colour of red which stood out great from the visual
After I had chose the font colour, I thought that the default font was a bit cartoony so I know it seems plain but I changed it to the arial font because it is rigid and I think gives across the point as a serious matter which the subject is.
Lastly the position of the text was at the top and overhung the edge due to it being in widescreen format, so I simply used the enter key until the text was roughly in the middle of the image
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Virtual Anatomy - Experimentation With Language
Then I tried adding text on top of the movie clip
After I tried adding spoken narration over the movie clip
Lastly text over still image before movie clip
I have decided to go with my last experimentation of text over a still image before movie clip. I abandoned the text before the clip because it lacked visual characteristics, I abandoned the text over the clip as the text detracted from the visuals as you could only concentrate on one of them. I also abandon the narration as i would not be able to get access to quality sound recording equipment and bad and unclear narration is not worth having and detracts from the movie. The reason I went for the text on still image before the movie clip because you get both the visual content and the text element without compromise.
I now need to consider - font, font colour and positioning
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Heart
I then created cylinders and spheres and matched them up to the edges of the heart to form the veins and arteries.
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Muscle
Then I multiplied this shape loads of times , overlappin them all and changing the texture colour slightly each time.
Then I created a small cylinder and pinched it at one end using the scale tool
Then I placed the needle under the muscle and key framed it then pierced the muscle with it and keying it again
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Blood Vessels
After I modelled a red blood cell by creating a short cylinder and then set the subdivisions to 5. I then extruded one ring of the top face subdivisions slightly out. To then finish it I smoothed it to give it a more curvacious look and added a red lambert texture.
After this I duplicated the cell, loads of times, repositoning each one individually. I repositioed them in a cylinder formation so would fit inside the cylinder blood vessel.
I then moved the formation of red blood cells inside the transparent cylinder
I then added a darker transparent squashed cylinder inside the othe cylinder and key framed it so it could rise or fall showing dilation and narrowing.
Virtual Anatomy - Animation Of Constricting and Expanding Throat
Constricting Throat
Expanding Throat
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling the Throat Contracting and Expanding
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Mass Cells
I then added a key frame and moved the green spheres so they look attached and key framed them again, I then created small spheres and copied them and moved them randomly so they looked like bubbles of histamines.
Virtual Anatomy - Modelling The Throat
I then copied the ridged cylinder, rotating and moving into the position shown in the render below
After I created a flap covering the wind pipe and textured it in a pink lambert colour like skin and created some chewed up nuts in the esophagus which I textured in different shades of brown on a lambert shader, then to get a perspective as if travelling around the body, i put a camera pointing down the ridged cylinder so you could see the perspective that the food would be taking