Monday 23 March 2009

Animation - My Story / Narrative with rough timings

In shed pushes himself up – falls back down – 1 sec
In shed pushes himself up again – falls back down again – 1 sec
In shed pushes himself up fully and wobbles – 2 secs
Black - 1 secs
Coming out of the shed - 2secs
Travels down the road – 3 secs
Crosses – 1secs
Looks - 1 secs
Hit – 1 sec
Spins – 3 secs
Dizzy – 2 secs
Gets across the road – 3 secs

21 seconds

Enters the park – 1 sec
Looks around – 2 secs
Pauses when sees another bike – 1 secs
Rides upto bike – 1 sec
Asked by another bike to race - 1 secs
Set up for race 2 secs
Race starts – 2 secs
Gap gets bigger and image blank for 2 secs
End for other bike 1 secs
Following penny for 3 secs
Goes off even more grumpy – 1 secs

17 seconds

Rolls down the hill for – 3 secs
Trys to brake – 1 sec
See From Front going downhill – 2 secs
See crash for 3 secs
In bush trying to escape - 4 secs
Bike helps up – 5 secs
Both turn around 1 sec
Fall in love – just stare for 1 sec
See front view of both bikes - 2 secs
Ride off in the distance – 3 secs

25 seconds

Black - change is good you just have to adapt - 4 secs
Here a clunk in the blackout – 3 secs
See the girl bike with her pedal fallen off – 2 secs
Black screen saying – no one is perfect – 2 secs

11 seconds

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