Monday 23 March 2009

Animation - Sound, Camera and Expression Ideas

Camera Shots
- Extreme close up
- Over the shoulder
- Full body
- Far away
- Rotation – Revealing the surroundings
- Zoom in – Focus shot
- Side shot
- Static

Sound Effects
- A car
- Dizziness
- Clunking
- Yeah
- Awwww
- Pedal movement
- A car horn
- A starters gun

- Dizzy
- Love Struck
- Sulky
- Shocked
- Grumpy
- Scared
- Frantic/ Stressed

Animation - My Story / Narrative with rough timings

In shed pushes himself up – falls back down – 1 sec
In shed pushes himself up again – falls back down again – 1 sec
In shed pushes himself up fully and wobbles – 2 secs
Black - 1 secs
Coming out of the shed - 2secs
Travels down the road – 3 secs
Crosses – 1secs
Looks - 1 secs
Hit – 1 sec
Spins – 3 secs
Dizzy – 2 secs
Gets across the road – 3 secs

21 seconds

Enters the park – 1 sec
Looks around – 2 secs
Pauses when sees another bike – 1 secs
Rides upto bike – 1 sec
Asked by another bike to race - 1 secs
Set up for race 2 secs
Race starts – 2 secs
Gap gets bigger and image blank for 2 secs
End for other bike 1 secs
Following penny for 3 secs
Goes off even more grumpy – 1 secs

17 seconds

Rolls down the hill for – 3 secs
Trys to brake – 1 sec
See From Front going downhill – 2 secs
See crash for 3 secs
In bush trying to escape - 4 secs
Bike helps up – 5 secs
Both turn around 1 sec
Fall in love – just stare for 1 sec
See front view of both bikes - 2 secs
Ride off in the distance – 3 secs

25 seconds

Black - change is good you just have to adapt - 4 secs
Here a clunk in the blackout – 3 secs
See the girl bike with her pedal fallen off – 2 secs
Black screen saying – no one is perfect – 2 secs

11 seconds

Animation - Idea

After looking at the words i instantly thought that i would give him a reason and the only things you do with a bike are ride them and put them away so my instant reaction was that he would have to be locked up.

This led me to thinking a time span that he had been locked up for because i was thinking how do i become grumpy and it is when i can't do something and i try and try and try but it does not work so i thought well if my penny farthing was only for a day everything would mostly be the same so i knew i had to bring change of the surrounding world into play so i have decided to put it into todays world.

Then I began thinking about gags and because i am not really into comedy, i found it hard to gather ideas but then i focused on what can a bike be involved in a crash, a race but also to being broken so i gathered several gags. This led me to setting it in a normal everyday environment which would contrast to his old life but juxtapose him in todays times. So I wrote a story idea out about how the gags would occur.

AnimationProject - My Words

The words are picked out were petulant and penny farthing

Straight away i knew what a penny farthing was - it is a bike which has one large wheel and the front and one small wheel at the back. It got its name from the coins - the penny and the farthing.

I had a vague idea of what petulant meant and it was that it meant grumpy and this was correct but researching the word alot of various words were related to it - sulky, cross, moody, sour, impatient, perverse, irritable and ratty - so basically i thought bad tempered all round.