Wednesday 15 October 2008

Thinking About The Topic

As a class we researched artists that have experimented with portraiture, identity and changes. I start to gather ideas and I found myself unable to stop because there are so many aspects to a character in terms of personality, appearance and surroundings. So I chose the three ideas that I felt to be the strongest and concentrated on them – these are those ideas –

1: This idea is about meeting new people as you go through life. It shows the split that in order to meet new people you have to leave but not forget people u know already

2: This idea is based on your identity being ever expanding. This idea revolves around that you are a flame and you keep learning things / doing things right up till the time of your death but if you believe in heaven then u could take this as a symbol for life basically because you could say that the new things you learn feed the flame so along as you are learning / doing more you will be burning.

3: This idea revolves around what may happen in the future depending on what happens to myself now. This idea takes that if I am successful in my life in will lead me on to bigger and better things where as if I am unsuccessful in my quest I will be a failure.

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