Monday, 16 February 2009

Pre- viz Part Of Unit - End Sequence Car Crash Of Fast And The Furious

This video shows the pre-viz animation of the scene with out the surroundings.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Navigation - Development Of Maya Storyboards

After reading phils notes and looking at Athier Mousawi , i decided to add into my storyboard arrows to show where the camera will move throught out the scene or weather it will be static. I think this will help when I turn it into an animatic storyboard.

Maya Storyboard

I decide to have maka a storyboard made from scenes I had created in maya becuase I want to see how it would look in colour and have a go at working the camera's into different angles. Also I want to see how each environment looked behind the focus of the scene as in the drawn storyboards I did not look at backgrounds. I think this has help me achieve better views of my scenes and gave me ideas of the backgrounds for each scene.

Analysis Of Styles Of Storyboarding

Athier Mousawi

Athier Mousawi unlike the other storyboard artists, does very simple sketches but not so little effort that you can't identify everything though. Athier does not uses shading he just uses black and white and most of the sketches are line drawings. Athier uses notes to tell the actions of what is going on in that scene e.g handing the bloke a piece of paper. Mousawi also uses arrows which identify where the camera is going to move through out this scene or if no arrows are present then it will be a static camera. I think Athier uses this style so he can make many storyboards to give across the most info to the producer about what is happening .

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Analysis Of Styles Of Storyboarding

The Company Owen Arts

Owen Arts uses quite a characaturistic style in their work with definative lines and also some slight exaggeration. Unlike most initial storyboard artists, this company uses colur in their work and i think it works successfully as it gives the storyboard a more unrealistic quality which if u add together all the other aspects - i think this is what they were trying to achieve. Also they do not use the typical filmic 16:9 ratio and i think this would detract because this storyboard has a more simplistic style with no over complicated views and block colour.

Analysis Of Styles Of Storyboarding

Steve Simmons

His storyboarding technique is very graphic and it feels as if it should be a comic book. It is very graphic as he uses as much detail in the foreground as he does in the background which shows he considers every aspect of the frame. Each frame in his storyboard is like a piece of art. He uses alot of shades to indicate where the light sources are coming from and where they reach. Throughout his frames i can see he likes to create alot of perspective to capture alot of the surrounding to give us information to guide us along the story.

Navigation - Development Of Ideas

I have done very little to develop this idea except but it in to 16:9 and change the perspective of
one or two frames

Navigation - Development Of Ideas

I have developed the second storyboard by sticking the frames into a 16:9 format and have changed some of the perspectives of some of the frames to focus in on the action.

Navigation - Development Of Ideas

To develop storyboard one I have put the pictures into a 16:9 ratio and changed and add a few extra scenes to enable more fluidity through the story.

Navigation - Drawn Storyboard Ideas - Third Idea

I like this idea as it has a moral behind the story which i believe can be depicted very easily from this storyboard and that is that trying and perseverence are the key to getting better at everything. I think i need to change some of the views as i repeat some of the views and they do not portray as much after several shots are the same and also some of the images are a bit flat and don't come out at the audience and so they may not get what the point is of it being there

Navigation - Drawn Storyboard Ideas - Second Idea

I believe this storyboard has alot of potential behind it because it has the key elements of a good movie in it which are a problem, a journey and some to fix the problem. So to develop this i am going to look at camera angles and focusing in on the most important objects in the scene at that time.

Navigation - Drawn Storyboard Ideas - First Idea

From doing this storyboard i have realised i have slightly missed out a few scenes and believe that the story needs a bit more umph behind it in terms of the attic as intially i was thinking of it as a metaphor and a box being like an attic to the robot. I feel it needs to be a real loft as if he has truely been locked away. Also i believe i will change the ending because it seems like this story could just go round in a cycle with the robot escaping.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Items that are associated with paintbrushes and different styles of paintbrushs

Navigation - Attic Reference Images

I have looked at different types of attics e.g clutered, converted, plain. Depending on which idea i go with will depend on what type of attic, if i am going with the doodling robot - i will use the clutered attic or if doing the leaning robot i will use the plain attic. Although for the idea about the artist using the robot to paint - i am just using the attic as a name for a toy shop as attics are usually clutered with toys.

Navigation - Robot Reference Images

I have been looking at different types of robots which i could use and i think for the animation and the audience it is going to be for i am going to go with the more childish and toy design

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Navigation - My Three Storyboard Ideas

First Idea

- A kid gets fed up of playing with his toy robot so puts it in a box and his parent puts it in the attic - the robot gets annoyed and escapes the box and attic and starts doing doodles on the walls with a paintbrush - the kid gets blamed for the doodles and then catches the robot in action and grabs him and locks him away

Second Idea

- A robot is used to create an artists work with a paintbrush - the robot breaks and the artist tries to fix it - artist does on the hunt for a toy mender then comes across a shop called the attic, the owner fixes the toy and the artist is able to finish his work.

Third Idea

- A bloke builds a robot to paint , he trys it but it was not very good so stuck it in the loft, then whilst the robot was in the loft he got better and better at painting as he learnt more and more - he did loads more paintings then with no materials to paint on left - so the robot painted the attic, the owner went up to the attic as was looking for something and found all the robots and paintings and brang him down from the loft, then he got a leaflet about a competition and so got the robot to paint and image and he posted it then it won first place and the robot got a medal.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Navigation - Three Objects For Animation


Things to think about

- is it a toy or realistic
- is it humanoid or not
- is it built by hand or manufactured
- is it a one off or are there multiple
- is it manoeuvrable or not


Things to think about

- dark
- is used to hide things
- is accessed through a hatch
- it is plain and bland
- can be converted


Things to think about

- it is used to paint
- there are different styles of painting
- it is a skill that can be learn't
- can be made from different materials